The entire green top of the trellis lies bent 45° forward into the pool, leaving the backside bare, In the front, the pathway to the stairway
Luckily, Nevis was not at all affected from hurricane IRMA 2 weeks ago. Neighboring island like Barbuda, Antigua, St. Martin and St. Barth were heavily damaged though.
Hurricane MARIA came in on a slightly different path, hit Dominica in a very bad way and then came directly to Nevis, hitting on Tuesday around 2 pm with heavy winds and torrential rains.
We lost some trees and frangipani, as well as the trellis on the east side of the pool deck which gave those lounging under it a fine natural green shade and those above in the house a weekly change of new flowering of a clematis-like beautiful local plant.
Due to the continuous very heavy showers, it seems that the cistern started to fill up quickly and even overflowed into the bedrooms, the living room, and kitchen too. Obviously, the existing overflow pipe was insufficient to take care of the vast quantities of downpour. The hatches which would become the final exit for water to escape from the cistern were wrongly placed in the bedrooms instead of outside the house when it was built in the 1980’s …
David Johnson, our caretaker living in the house could obtain a pump and after 5 hours working it, he got all the water out of all rooms at which time the heavy rains started once again….
If I have further important information, I will make updates as and when it becomes available.
Uschi and I expect to return by December 20th.
Peter, danke für die Message. Wir hatten Glück, die Schäden waren alle selbstverschuldet durch fahrlässige Bauweise. Unser live-in caretaker hatte viel Arbeit, auch die Gärtner mussten etliche truckloads wegräumen.
Dominica hat wie St. Martin sehr große Schäden und wird Jahre brauchen zum Wiederaufbau.
Dir alles Gute mit den Behandlungen.
Liebe Uschi, lieber Willi, Very sorry für diese Schäden. Wir dachten oft an Euch, schon
bei IRMA. Gut dass Ihr schon Nachrichten habt. Die Tochter von Esther’s Zwillingsschwester hat ein Resort auf Dominica und bist jetzt war noch keine
Kommunikation möglich. Leider können wir vorläufig nicht an den Léman fahren,
zu beschäftigt mit meinen Behandlungen.
Alles Gute und viele Grüsse. Esther und Peter
Pierre, thanks for the advice – we will certainly have to expect more and stronger hurricanes in the future, even if the President of the U.S. does not believe in climate change and its consequences…. he should ask the people of Houston and those affected in the parts of Flsrida from Irma…
Alfred, Irma konnte uns nichts anhaben, Maria dafür etwas mehr. Alle Schäden waren aber menschengemacht – der Aufbau vom Trellis war zu schwach, der Erbauer hat 2×2 inch statt 4×4 inch Hölzer verwendet, wie es abgemacht und verrechnet war; er sagte später, es hätte damals keine starken vorrätig gehabt auf ganz Nevis… und der Deckel vom Überlauf der Zisterne war falsch in den Schlafzimmern platziert worden anstatt ausserhalb des Hauses vom sonst sehr erfahrenen Erbauer. Dass ein paar Bäume und Stäucher draufgehen, ist normal.
Vielen Dank für die Information, Willi. Mein Bruder hat mich letzte Woche gefragt, wie es wohl in Nevis gehe – jetzt konnte ich ihm antworten. Ich habe sehr gute Erinnerungen an Nevis – wo ich im Februar 2013 einige Zeit verbringen durfte!
dear ushi and willi
sorry to hear the damage caused by maria. fortunately the main house seems to have withstood remarkably well. take tour lesson and avoid future unsound modification while remembering in future we will have to face frequently even mightier tornados. mr trump unreasonable stance will not help i am sad to add.
wish you both perseverance und luck to keep your home protected from future calamaties.
Hi Charmagne, we are not on Nevis from March to December but David Johnson looks after our house well.
He did a lot of pumping water from the overflow of the cistern that was not built right at the start but otherwise our damage was not so much even during Maria.
Hope to see you in December.
Thanks Ruedi & Emmi, Congrats for your 60th jubilee of your diamond wedding day with your engineering diploma!
Sumo will come again next May, so god will.
Hello Uschi &Willi,
We are happy to read, you are in good shape ! We remember our first taifun in ashia, oct. 1964,the front part of the roof blown away ,I was hanging on the roof beams,but the I let go!
We celebrated in Soleure, 60 years after diploma of engineering with study friends, combined with our diamant wedding day!
I was married in the first days of earning a little money ,
But it turned out well.
I still follow sumo and think of Willi, the expert.
Happy days, Emmi-Rudi
We have been so concerned for the people on Nevis.
Trying to keep up with all conversations.
We came through Irma ok I hope our house did well during Maria. C
Thanks Kimo & Karen, we’ll see ourselves when we return. Our caretaker will do his very best to repair everything that is necessary.
Hopefully the house will be in good condition when you return…and you are fortunate that Irma didn’t do the damage to Nevis that it did to your neighbor islands.
God bless you both,
Aloha – Kimo & Karen